Classic Books Приложения

Watch Classic TV 1.0
Classic Books
Watch Classic TV for FREE! This app is abookmark that will open your browser and connect you to an onlinetv show database. It will allow you to watch classic tv showsdirectly on your Android powered device. Your android device mayneed to have Flash Player installed in order to watch movies.
Anthem by Ayn Rand audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - Anthem by Ayn Rand. It is a dystopic sciencefiction story taking place at some unspecified future date. Mankindhas entered another dark age. Technological advancement is nowcarefully planned (when it is allowed to occur, if at all) and theconcept of individuality has been eliminated.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to the audiobook recording of Anthem withouthaving to download the file to your device. Includes ability tocontrol volume, pause, rewind and forward.
The Science of Getting Rich 1.0
Classic Books
The Science of Getting Rich (audiobook) byWallace Wattles. This work has been in print for almost 100 yearsand is composed of 17 short, straight-to-the-point chapters thatexplain how to overcome mental barriers, and how creation, notcompetition, is the hidden key to wealth attraction.This app is a basically a convenient bookmark that opens yourbrowser and allows you to listen to The Science of Getting Richaudiobook without having to download the file to your device.Includes ability to control volume, pause, rewind and forward.
A Christmas Carol 1.0
Classic Books
A Christmas Carol was written by CharlesDicken under financial duress, but it became one of his mostpopular and enduring stories. The old miser Ebenezer Scrooge caresnothing for family, friends, love or Christmas. All he cares aboutis money. Then one Christmas Eve he is visited by three ghosts:Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Yet To Come. Theseencounters leave Scrooge deeply moved and forever changed.Historians believe that A Christmas Carol contributed greatly tothe modern sentimental Christmas.
The Importance of Being Earnes 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - The Importance of BeingEarnest by Oscar Wilde. It is a classic comedy of manners, in whichtwo flippant young men, in order to impress their respectedbeloveds, pretend that their names are “Ernest,” which both youngladies believe confers magical qualities on the possessor.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to the audiobook recording of The Importanceof Being Earnest without having to download the file to yourdevice. Includes ability to control volume, pause, rewind andforward.
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 1.0
Classic Books
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is acollection of twelve stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, featuringhis famous detective and illustrated by Sidney Paget. These are thefirst of the Sherlock Holmes short stories, originally published assingle stories in the Strand Magazine from July 1891 to June 1892.The book was published in England on October 14, 1892 by GeorgeNewnes Ltd and in a US Edition on October 15 by Harper. The initialcombined print run was 14,500 copies.
A Practical Guide to Self-Hypn 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - A Practical Guide toSelf-Hypnosis, by Melvin Powers is written in terms that are easyto understand. The step-by-step instructions should afford thereader a means of acquiring self-hypnosis. The reader need onlyfollow the instructions as they are given. It is the author’s hopethat you will, through the selective use of self-hypnosis, arriveat a more rewarding, well-adjusted, and fuller life.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to the audiobook recording of A PracticalGuide to Self-Hypnosis without having to download the file to yourdevice. Includes ability to control volume, pause, rewind andforward.
The Story of Mankind audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook recording of The Story ofMankind by Hendrik van Loon. It tells in brief chapters the historyof Western civilization beginning with primitive man, covering thedevelopment of writing, art, and architecture, the rise of majorreligions, and the formation of the modern nation-state.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to the audiobook recording of The Story ofMankind without having to download the file to your device.Includes ability to control volume, pause, rewind and forward.
How to be Successful in Life 1.0
Classic Books
If you want to learn how to be successful inlife, then implementing these "Success Quotes" will help you to getcloser to your goal! Inspirational quotes and motivational quoteshave the power to get us through a bad week, and can even give usthe courage to pursue our life’s dreams.This app requires internet access, which opens your smart phonebrowser to a website that contains information on how to besuccessful in life or in business.
The Art of Public Speaking 1.0
Classic Books
The Art of Public Speaking Audio by DaleCarnegie and Joseph B. Esenwein, is a manual for people who have tospeak in public, and it is still in use today. The book describeshow to make effective use of one’s voice and gestures, how to gainand convey confidence in front of a large audience, and whichmethods to use to convert the listeners to one’s own cause. Eachchapter contains examples and a list of practice exercises. Thelast 15 sections are real speeches by famous men to function as astudy aid.This app is a basically a convenient bookmark that opens yourbrowser and allows you to listen to The Science of Getting Richaudiobook without having to download the file to your device.Includes ability to control volume, pause, rewind and forward.
Think and Grow Rich (original) 1.0
Classic Books
Think and Grow Rich (original version) byNapoleon Hill. Published in 1937, Hill draws on stories of AndrewCarnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and other millionaires of hisgeneration to illustrate his principles. Napoleon Hill's classicmental-exercise book teaches you everything you need to know toempower yourself for success. One of the great self-help books ofall time.
The Theory of Relativity 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - Relativity: The Special andGeneral Theory by Albert Einstein. This is an introduction toEinstein’s space-bending, time-stretching theory of Relativity. Thebook is challenging at times but, when approached patiently, provesitself one of the most lucid explanations of Relativity to be foundanywhere.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to the audiobook recording of Relativity: TheSpecial and General Theory without having to download the file toyour device. Includes ability to control volume, pause, rewind andforward.
Think and Grow Rich audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - Think and Grow Rich byNapoleon Hill offers you a complete philosophy of personalachievement. It will teach you methods to create successconsciousness within yourself, and it will provide you with adetailed blueprint for achieving that success.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hillaudiobook without having to download the file to your device.Includes ability to control volume, pause, rewind and forward.
The Call of Cthulhu (book) 1.0
Classic Books
The Call of Cthulhu was written by HowardPhillips Lovecraft's best-known short stories. Written in thesummer of 1926, it was first published in Weird Tales, February1928. It is the only story written by Lovecraft in which theextraterrestrial entity Cthulhu himself makes a major appearance.It is written in a documentary style, with three independentnarratives linked together by the device of a narrator discoveringnotes left by a deceased relative. The narrator pieces together thewhole truth and disturbing significance of the information hepossesses, illustrating the story's first line: "The most mercifulthing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind tocorrelate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorancein the midst of black seas of infinity; and it was not meant thatwe should voyage far."
Uncle Remus audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - Uncle Remus is a fictionalcharacter, the title character and fictional narrator of acollection of African-American folktales adapted and compiled byJoel Chandler Harris. Many readers will already be familiar withUncle Remus’ favorite animal characters – Br’er Rabbit and Br’erFox among them – and some of the popular tales concerning them.While this is not a book that will pass a current politicalcorrectness test, due to its use of labels for black folks whichhave gone out of polite conversation, Uncle Remus is a largelysympathetic look at post-war plantation life. Uncle Remus himselfis a warm, folksy man of good humor and dry wit, and afterfinishing his animal stories, the remaining sayings and tales are amoment of history frozen in amber.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to Uncle Remus audiobook without having todownload the file to your device. Includes ability to controlvolume, pause, rewind and forward.
Beatrix Potter Tales audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook recording of stories from Beatrix Potter.Startingwith Peter Rabbit and moving through the rest of manydelightfultales, these stories will warm the hearts both of thosewhoremember her fondly from their childhoods and those whodiscoverfor the first time the magic of these timeless stories.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallowsyou to listen to the audiobook recording of tales of BeatrixPotterwithout having to download the file to your device. Includesabilityto control volume, pause, rewind and forward.
Popular Crockpot Recipes! 1.0
Classic Books
Tasty Crockpot Recipes that you'll enjoy and kids will love!Thisapp requires internet access, which opens your smart phonebrowserto a website that contains a list of yummy crock pot recipesandother food recipes as well! Anyone can make these tasty recipesbyfollowing the cooking instructions. Recipes range from beginnertointermediate level. Enjoy!
The Critique of Pure Reason 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook recording of The Critique ofPure Reason by Immanuel Kant. It is one of the most influentialworks in the history of philosophy. In the preface to the firstedition Kant explains what he means by a critique of pure reason:“I do not mean by this a critique of books and systems, but of thefaculty of reason in general, in respect of all knowledge afterwhich it may strive independently of all experience.”This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to the audiobook recording of The Critique ofPure Reason without having to download the file to your device.Includes ability to control volume, pause, rewind and forward.
The Iliad by Homer 1.0
Classic Books
The Iliad (book) written by Homer is one ofthe foremost achievements in Western literature, Homer's Iliadtells the story of the darkest episode of the Trojan War. At itscenter is Achilles, the greatest warrior-champion of the Greeks,and his conflict with his leader Agamemnon. Interwoven in thetragic sequence of events are powerfully moving descriptions of theebb and flow of battle, the besieged city of Ilium, the feudbetween the gods, and the fate of mortals.
Smoothie Recipes Free & Tasty! 1.0
Classic Books
Here are popular smoothie recipes that you'll enjoy and kidswilllove! This app requires internet access, which opens yoursmartphone browser to a website that contains a list of yummyandhealthy smoothie recipes and other food recipes as well! Anyonecanmake these tasty recipes by following the simpleinstructions.Enjoy!
The Awakening audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook recording of The Awakening byKate Chopin. Set in New Orleans and the Southern Louisiana coast atthe end of the nineteenth century, the plot centers on EdnaPontellier and her struggle to reconcile her increasinglyunorthodox views on femininity and motherhood with the prevailingsocial attitudes of the turn-of-the-century South.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to the audiobook recording of The Awakeningwithout having to download the file to your device. Includesability to control volume, pause, rewind and forward.
2 B R 0 2 B (book) 1.0
Classic Books
2 B R 0 2 B (book) written by Kurt VonnegutJr., who was a prolific and genre-bending American novelist knownfor works blending satire, black comedy and science fiction. Hisshort work, "2 B R 0 2 B," is a genre science fiction taleoriginally published in the magazine "Worlds of If" in 1962.
The Heavenly Life audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - The Heavenly Life by JamesAllen is one of his more obscure writings, contains the wisdom ofthe meaning of spiritual oneness with God. Most people are familiarwith James Allen’s most famous work, As A Man Thinketh, which hasgained widespread acknowledgement among those studying spiritualmysticism.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to The Heavenly Life audiobook without havingto download the file to your device. Includes ability to controlvolume, pause, rewind and forward.
West African Folk Tales 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook recording of West African FolkTales by William H. Barker. It is a collection of folk tales mostlycentred around Anansi. In West African lore Anansi is known as atrickster god, and is often depicted as either a spider, a human ora combination of both. Thus many of the stories are attempts byAnansi to trick others for his own gain. Other stories are aboutwhy certain animals act in certain ways.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to the audiobook recording of West AfricanFolk Tales without having to download the file to your device.Includes ability to control volume, pause, rewind and forward.
The Story of the Middle Ages 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - The Story of the Middle Agesby Samuel B. Harding. Intended for a youthful audience, it tellsthe history of the Middle Ages in simple and entertaining fashion,and helps to explain the influence of the Middle Ages on moderntimes. Topics covered include the rise of the Christian church,Feudalism, Charlemagne, the Crusades, the Hundred Years’ War, andthe daily life of peasant, noble, and clergy.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to the audiobook recording of The Story of theMiddle Ages without having to download the file to your device.Includes ability to control volume, pause, rewind and forward.
The Metamorphosis 1.0
Classic Books
The Metamorphosis (German: Die Verwandlung) isa novella by Franz Kafka, first published in 1915. The story beginswith a traveling salesman, Gregor Samsa, waking to find himselftransformed into a "monstrous vermin". It is the story of a youngman who, transformed overnight into a giant beetlelike insect,becomes an object of disgrace to his family, an outsider in his ownhome, a quintessentially alienated man.
Peter Pan audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Audiobook - Peter Pan, by J. M. Barrie is thestory of Peter Pan, a mischievous little boy who can fly, and hisadventures on the island of Neverland with Wendy Darling and herbrothers, the fairy Tinker Bell, the Lost Boys, the Indian princessTiger Lily, and the pirate Captain Hook.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to Peter Pan audiobook without having todownload the file to your device. Includes ability to controlvolume, pause, rewind and forward.
Watch Movies for Free 1.0
Classic Books
Watch Movies for Free - This app is a bookmarkthat opens your browser and connects you to an online moviedatabase and allows you to watch classic movies on your Androidpowered device. We add new movies to the list of classic moviesoften! Movies are categorized and can be searched accordingly bytouching the "menu" tab near the top-right hand corner of thescreen. Please note: Your android device may need to have FlashPlayer installed in order to watch movies.
How To Braid Hair - Hairstyles 1.0
Classic Books
This app teaches you how to braid hair. Abraid is an easy and quick solution to looking pretty. Braidingyour hair takes only about two minutes of your time—and the onlystyling tools you need are your hands and a hair band.Hair Braiding Tips:1. Never try to take out the braid from the top. It will make dry,coarse and knotty tangles in your hair.2. Gentle tension on the braid, pulling down on the strands, willkeep it snug.3. If you're having a hard time french braiding, put your hair intoa half-ponytail and secure with an elastic. This is your stablecenter section, and the elastic should eventually be hidden by thebraid.4. Always tighten for a neat look!5. If you've never braided before, learn the pattern with thickyarn, ribbon or long-haired dolls before you start on somebody'shair. It takes some practice to get the feel of it.6. Take the braid out by unbraiding it from the bottom.This app requires internet access, which opens your smart phonebrowser to a website that contains information on how to to french braid freehow to french braid your hairhow to braid hairhow to braid your hairbraiding hairbraids hairstyles
Walden audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Audiobook - Walden, by Henry David Thoreau isone of the best-known non-fiction books written by an American.Published in 1854, it details Thoreau’s life for two years, twomonths, and two days around the shores of Walden Pond. Along withhis critique of the civilized world, Thoreau examines other issuesafflicting man in society, ranging from economy and reading tosolitude and higher laws. He also takes time to talk about theexperience at Walden Pond itself, commenting on the animals and theway people treated him for living there, using those experiences tobring out his philosophical positions.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to Walden audiobook without having to downloadthe file to your device. Includes ability to control volume, pause,rewind and forward.
Decline and Fall Roman Empire 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - The History of the Declineand Fall of the Roman Empire (sometimes shortened to Decline andFall of the Roman Empire) is a book of history written by theEnglish historian Edward Gibbon. It traces the trajectory of theRoman Empire—and Western civilization as a whole—from the latefirst century AD to the fall of the Eastern or Byzantine Empire.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to The History of the Decline and Fall of theRoman Empire audiobook without having to download the file to yourdevice. Includes ability to control volume, pause, rewind andforward.
Hop Frog by Edgar Allan Poe 1.0
Classic Books
Hop Frog audiobook by Edgar Allan Poe,originally “Hop-Frog; Or, the Eight Chained Ourangoutangs” is ashort story about a dwarf taken from his homeland, who becomes thejester of a king. This app is a basically a convenient bookmarkthat opens your browser and allows you to listen to Hop Frogaudiobook without having to download the file to your device.Includes ability to control volume, pause, rewind andforward.
Capital Volume I audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - Capital Volume I (1867), byKarl Marx, is a critical analysis of capitalism as politicaleconomy, meant to reveal the economic laws of the capitalist modeof production, how it was the precursor of the socialist mode ofproduction, and of the class struggle rooted in the capitalistsocial relations of production.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to Capital Volume I audiobook without havingto download the file to your device. Includes ability to controlvolume, pause, rewind and forward.
The Age of Reason audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - The Age of Reason, by ThomasPaine critiques institutionalized religion and challenges thelegitimacy of the Bible. The Age of Reason presents common deisticarguments; for example, it highlights the corruption of theChristian Church and criticizes its efforts to acquire politicalpower. Paine advocates reason in the place of revelation, leadinghim to reject miracles and to view the Bible as an ordinary pieceof literature rather than as a divinely-inspired text. Yet, The Ageof Reason is not atheistic: it promotes natural religion and arguesfor a creator-God.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to the audiobook recording of The Age ofReason without having to download the file to your device. Includesability to control volume, pause, rewind and forward.
The Curious Case of Benjamin B 1.0
Classic Books
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (book). Inthe year 1860, Benjamin Button is born an old man and mysteriouslybegins aging backward. At the beginning of his life he is witheredand worn, but as he continues to grow younger he embraces life --he goes to war, runs a business, falls in love, has children, goesto college and prep school, and, as his mind begins to devolve, heattends kindergarten and eventually returns to the care of hisnurse. This strange and haunting story embodies the sharp socialinsight that has made Fitzgerald one of the great voices in thehistory of American literature.
My Man Jeeves audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - My Man Jeeves by P. G.Wodehouse. Jeeves comes up with the plan to save Bertram Woosterfrom unpleasant houseguests, stingy uncles, broken hearts, andhard-partying aunts. This app is a convenient bookmark that opensyour browser and allows you to listen to the audiobook recording ofMy Man Jeeves without having to download the file to your device.Includes ability to control volume, pause, rewind andforward.
The Paleo Diet App & Recipes 1.0
Classic Books
The Paleo Diet App & Recipes: This dietpromises drastic weight loss and the ability to ward off disease.It’s called the Paleo Diet and its secret is eating like our StoneAge ancestors. The diet is based on the idea that in the past40,000 years, our DNA has changed very little. Therefore, eatingprocessed foods like cereals, dairy products, and refined sugarsinvite disease and weight gain. The Paleo Diet simplifies your foodand asserts that eating natural plants and animals is yourprescription for optimum health.Promising new research shows that the Paleo Diet is helpful forpeople in reducing cardiovascular risk factors. The diet includesfoods like fish, eggs, chicken, turkey, bison, duck, assortedfruits and vegetables, nuts and olive oil. These choices provide arich supply of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants. Additionally,the diet focuses on foods that are low on the glycemic index, whichprevents spikes in your blood sugar. Despite its focus on leanprotein, the Paleo Diet is not a low-carb plan; it focuses on foodsthat will boost your metabolism and keep you satisfied. Women whohave followed this diet claim to have lost up to 75 pounds in 6months.While most people try the Paleo Diet to lose weight, there is alarge community of people who are using the program to treatsymptoms of chronic disease. Women are finding the diet improvesenergy, alleviates pain, and even lessens dependency on certainmedications. While you should never change your medications withouttalking to your doctor first, the benefits of a healthy diet cannotbe understated.This app requires internet access, which opens your smart phonebrowser to a website that contains information on how to whitenyour teeth.Chapters include:The Paleo DietPaleo Diet Do’s and Dont’sLearn the 5 Rules of the Paleo DietPaleo Diet Recipes
The Kama Sutra 1.0
Classic Books
The Kama Sutra (book) by Vatsyayana.Thepresents itself as a guide to a virtuous and gracious livingthatdiscusses the nature of love, family life and otheraspectspertaining to pleasure oriented faculties of human life.This appis a basically a convenient bookmark that opens yourbrowser andallows you to download for FREE "The Kama Sutra" byVātsyāyana viaEPUB, PDF or Kindle (.MOBI). EPUB files can be readon most modernsmart phones. You can also search for and downloadother booksthrough the browser as well as listen toaudiobooks!
The Scarecrow of Oz audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook recording of The Scarecrow ofOz by L. Frank Baum. It is the ninth book set in the Land of Oz. Ittells of Cap’n Bill and Trot journeying to Oz and, with the help ofthe Scarecrow, overthrowing the cruel King Krewl of Jinxland.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to the audiobook recording of The Scarecrow ofOz audiobook without having to download the file to your device.Includes ability to control volume, pause, rewind and forward.
Benjamin Franklin audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Audiobook - The Autobiography of BenjaminFranklin. After Franklin’s death, this work has become one of themost famous and influential examples of an autobiography everwritten. Franklin’s account of his life is divided into four parts,reflecting the different periods at which he wrote them. There areactual breaks in the narrative between the first three parts, butPart Three’s narrative continues into Part Four without anauthorial break.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklinaudiobook without having to download the file to your device.Includes ability to control volume, pause, rewind and forward.
The 9/11 Commission Report 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - The 9/11 Commission Report.This is the official report of the events leading up to theSeptember 11, 2001 attacks. It was prepared by the NationalCommission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (informallysometimes known as the “9/11 Commission” or the “Kean/ZelikowCommission”) at the request of the President of the United Statesand Congress.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to the audiobook recording of The 9/11Commission Report without having to download the file to yourdevice. Includes ability to control volume, pause, rewind andforward.
Apply Makeup Like Celebrities 1.0
Classic Books
Learn how to apply makeup like celebrities!Even the hottest movie stars and celebrities have flaws:not-so-small noses, monster zits, thin lips, you name it. Who makesit all less noticeable? Their makeup artists, of course. The mosttalented of their kind spill their secrets, so you can fakeperfection too. This app reveals the stars’ favorite makeup tips.This app requires internet access, which opens your smart phonebrowser to a website that contains information on how to get applymakeup like to use makeuphow to apply makeup like celebretieshow to apply makeup appshow to apply make up like a professional make up artist
English Fairy Tales audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - English Fairy Tales. This isa collection of traditional English fairy tales. This app is aconvenient bookmark that opens your browser and allows you tolisten to the audiobook recording of English Fairy Tales withouthaving to download the file to your device. Includes ability tocontrol volume, pause, rewind and forward.
Learn Hmong for Kids 1.0
Classic Books
Spoken in the Hmong language, this appwillhelp introduce children to the common words in the Hmonglanguage.For kids game ages 2-7. Easy for children to use andlearn!Just tap on the image to hear the hmong word for thatanimal,food or object.Features:- No restrictions- Real sound and human pronunciations- Allow your kids to learn Hmong words the easy way by relatingeachanimal, food or object!This app requires internet access, which opens your webbrowserto a website that allows you to learn Hmong in a funway.
The Republic audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - The Republic by Plato waswritten around 380 BC concerning the definition of justice and theorder and character of the just city-state and the just man. Thisapp is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser and allows youto listen to The Republic by Plato audiobook without having todownload the file to your device. Includes ability to controlvolume, pause, rewind and forward.
The Path of Prosperity audio 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - The Path of Prosperity, byJames Allen. From the book: I found one Law, the Law of Love; oneLife, the Life of adjustment to that Law; one Truth, the truth of aconquered mind and a quiet and obedient heart. And I dreamed ofwriting a book which should help men and women, whether rich orpoor, learned or unlearned, worldly or unworldly, to find withinthemselves the source of all success, all happiness, allaccomplishment, all truth.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to The Path of Prosperity audiobook withouthaving to download the file to your device. Includes ability tocontrol volume, pause, rewind and forward.
The Way of Peace audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - The Way of Peace, by JamesAllen is a guide to the power of meditation; self and truth; theacquirement of spiritual power; the realization of selfless love;entering into the infinite; saints, sages, and saviors; the law ofservice; and the realization of perfect peace. James Allen was aphilosophical writer known for his inspirational books and poetryand as a pioneer of the self-help movement. His best known work, Asa Man Thinketh, has been a source of inspiration to motivationaland self-help authors.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to The Way of Peace audiobook without havingto download the file to your device. Includes ability to controlvolume, pause, rewind and forward.
How to Discipline you Kids 1.0
Classic Books
Learn how to discipline your kids effectively!How do you keep your child from throwing a fit? How can you getyour adolescent to respect your authority? Find out here how tovary your approach to discipline to best fit your family.Whatever the age of your child, it’s important to be consistentin disciplining your child. If you don’tstick to the rules and consequences that you set up, your childisn’t likely to to disapline your kids, discipline child, discipline &punish, better parenting skills , parenting skills training ,positive parenting skills , list of parenting skills , effectiveparenting skills, help with parenting skills, Parenting skills,good parenting skills, raising children
Persuasion audiobook 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - Persuasion by Jane Austen isset partly in Bath, a fashionable city with which Jane Austen waswell acquainted, having lived there from 1801 to 1805. Besides thetheme of persuasion, the novel evokes other topics, such as theRoyal Navy, in which two of Jane Austen’s brothers ultimately roseto the rank of admiral.This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to Persuasion audiobook without having todownload the file to your device. Includes ability to controlvolume, pause, rewind and forward.
The Turn of the Screw 1.0
Classic Books
Free Audiobook - The Turn of the Screw byHenry James. It is a novella ghost story originally published in1898. In it, a nameless governess reports the events of two ghostswho stalk the young children she has charge over. Is she reliable,or an imaginative neurotic?This app is a convenient bookmark that opens your browser andallows you to listen to the audiobook recording of The Turn of theScrew without having to download the file to your device. Includesability to control volume, pause, rewind and forward.